Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Behavioral Problems

On pages 45-48 Christopher describes his "Behavioral Problems" and the effect they had on his parents and their marriage. What is the effect of the dispassionate style in which he relates this information?


  1. The effect of the dispassionate style in which Christoper relates this information, is that his parents just got frustrated. The things he describes on pages 45-48, his "Behavioral Problems", made his parents really angry and they would either shout at Christopher or shout at each other. His parents just didn't know how to raise a child with autism and their patience seems to run thin from time to time. People with autism are known to have certain things that bug them, like being touched or not talking to people for a very long time. Because of this, the people who take care of them have to keep these things in mind and try to adjust situations so the person will be more confortable. Christopher even mentions that he thought his parent might have gotten divorced.

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  2. Christopher says these things in a way that makes them seem like they're not problems at all, just normal things that happen all the time. This shows that he thinks of them as unimportant and normal

  3. On pages 45 to 48, when Christopher talk about his "Behavioral Problems", he explains them like they are normal occurences. And he talked about how frusterated his parents would get, and that he was surprised they had never gottn divorced. His parents sometimes had a difficult time raising a child with autism, becasue it was hard to cope with his every need.

  4. The effect of the dispassionate style in which Christopher relates the information about his “Behavioral Problems,” to the effect they had on his parents’ marriage, is that his parents found it hard to cope with raising an autistic child. Christopher shares all his past behavior problems like they were no big deal and they just happen sometimes. He also said that he was surprised his parents hadn’t had a divorce, because they argued so much. He remembered his mother would say,”… you are going to drive me into an early grave,” which was ironic because she died from a stress heart attack.

  5. His parents were always arguing, and 'hating each other.' He feels like for everything his parents went through it was his fault.

  6. I agree his Kaitlink, He blamed himself for his parents fighting.

  7. he belives that it was his falt of his parents arguing because of his bad behavior. his parents would become frustrated and could not deal with him any more.

  8. He describes his parents relationship as hateful, and disruptive. I believe the 'effect' of their unloving relationship is the fact Christopher tends to blame his autism for it. He partially blames himself. :(

  9. To bree and joeys conversation, Blaming yourself for your parents divorce is common among children of those relationships, especially in his condition, christopher see's himeself as the reason. You also have to remember the affair and see that the confusion over covering information can lead to missunderstandings.

  10. His parents got mad and frustrated with it, but he shouldnt blame himself for the divorce. It wasnt his fault.

  11. I agree with many of the comments above, Christopher seemed to talks about his "behavior problems" in an extremely nonchalant way that made them seem common placed and not of any big deal. His parents didn't seem to understand how to cope with having an autistic child and became frustrated easily. Like Bryce said children blaming themselves for their parents’ relationship problems is sadly very common. This would be even harder on a child with autism, because they often can't understand emotion or why someone feels and acts they way they do.

  12. They we getting upset with all the behavioral problemshe had. He had blamed himself for there divorce and he shouldnt have!

  13. I'm aggravated by him, that he has no feelings and cares for nothing, except maybe dogs. That's one of my pet peeves, people who don't care, and they don't care that we care, and they ruin it for me. I understand it's part of his condition, but can't he understand how it hurts his parent's that his behavioris tearing them apart? doesn't he care about that?

  14. he blames himself for their problems. I completley disagree with Lauren m and her comment. UMM.. HELLO.. he has AUTISM.. he can't mentally make that connection and doesn't understand people and their feelings. That's why he likes dogs, they have only a few expressions, and he always understands them. He CAN'T care that his behavior is "tearing them apart" because he isn't mentally capable of it.

  15. ok i really disagree with lauren m2..its not his fault hes like that and that his behavior is the way it is.yes his actions lead to the frustration of his parent s but its not like he does it on pupose..and no where in the book does it say that he doesnt care for anything buut dogs. i think your not understanding whats going on. hes autistic. plus his mom has stated in her letters that it wasnt his fault because she had patience problems. on top of having no type of patience you have an autistic child. of course shes going to get frustrated and upset from time to time..and with your wife being upset all the time and your son being autistic you might be a little tense. chistopher is very smart therfore he could learn better copping skills or at least try to, but its not his fault.

  16. He's basically blaming himself for the unhealthy relationship his parents have. Of how he behaves due to his autism. There are other factors that may have caused problems with their marriage and it could be just themselves. They try their hardest not to make it a hard lifestyle for Christopher but it still puts a strain on their relations with him with his autism.

  17. I think he is blaming himself for his parents' isuues. I guess he believes that because he has autism, which makes him behave differently,his parents were too frustrated and got in too many arguments.

  18. Christophers behavior had some what of an affect on his parents mariage. He claimed they had a hateful and disruptive relations ship. His mother would always say your going to drive me into an early grave. And she ended up dying young. Chris blames his parents messed up mariage on himself and he thinks its his fault because of his autisim.

  19. His "behavioral problems" probably did have an affect on his parents relationship. All of the problems the parents would have had at home would just have been even worse having to remember everything about their child when there are too many rules to remember, even if they do one thing wrong Christopher's reaction would have pushed his parents limits too far, so whenever they had just a small argument it would have seemed much more than it was

  20. Christopher's behavioral problems caused much stress on the marriage. He was hard to understand and required a lot a patience, which his father had and his mother did not. As he describes the situation, it becomes evident that he doesn't comprehend the emotions behind this, and as frustrating to the reader as this is, he cannot change it because he does not know it is a problem, which only contributes more problems to his parents.

  21. He really cannot care that he does things wrong, it just does not correlate in his mind that the behavioral problems are effecting others. He knows they are, as his parents constantly blame him, but Christopher doesn't see the consequences ahead of time. Like the "stupid things", how could he NOT know that emptying a jar of peanut butter on the table would get him in trouble? It's wasteful and messy.

    Many of the other answers say that he's blaming himself, but I don't think so. He knows he has an effect because others TELL him he does, but if they never did, he wouldn't know and therefore couldn't blame himself.

  22. i agree with katie m7.and DEFIENTLY not lauren m2.its not his fault that he was born with autism.he truely is mentally disabled on connecting with the fact to care that he is the reason for his parents split.but anyway, even if he were to care, its his parents fault for having a child with austim.something was wrong with them or they did something wrong in order for christopher to come out the way he did.also, he likes dogs because he can relate to them because of there simple ways of showing emotion;unlike people who are very complicating with expressing themselves.which is WHY he cannot communicate properly and know that he was the cause for the divorce.how can he care if he doenst understand the concept or understand his parents emotions.

  23. Christopher blames himself for his parents divorce because of his behavior problems. He believes that since he has autism and that he put his parents through a lot, because they were fighting a lot about what to do with him.

  24. On pages 45 to 48, when Christopher talks about his "Behavioral Problems", he explains them like they were no big deal and happened sometimes. Christopher also talked about how frusterated his parents would get, and that he was surprised they had never gottn divorced. His parents sometimes had a difficult time raising him because he had autism which resulted in him having many needs.

  25. The effect of the dispassionate style is he overeacts, or can get out of hand. What I mean by this is that he hits people, and yells at some people. This can make him more vicious, because of his parents and some people battering his mind with yelling and some hitting. This helped develop his "Behavioral Problems."

  26. The effect of his dispassionate style in relating this information is that he said it 'matter of factly' as if it was a normal everyday occurrence in his house.

  27. He thinks that his problems arent a big deal and that his autism is a normal thing. However his behavioral problems were actually really effecting his parents because they were getting very angry and annoyed with him. Even though he does have behavioral problems, he should not blame himself for the divorce!!

  28. Christopher explains the behavior problems like he doesn't understand how his parents can get so mad about it. Which is expected from a child with autism.

  29. The effect of the dispassionate style in which Christopher relates the information about his “Behavioral Problems,” to the effect they had on his parents’ marriage because all the things that Christopher does seems normal but for the parents, with raising an autistic child, it seems to have made obstacles that the parents couldn't dealt with for long. The story even mentioned that Christopher's parents often had arguements and confrontation. In which, lead to the divorce of Christopher's parents.

  30. The way Christopher explains his behavioral problems is that he caused most of the stress between his parents but it was difficult to control because of his autism.

  31. christophers mother cheated on her daddy with a bad man. thats why his daddy doesnt like to talk about the bad man in his house. And christopers investigation is hulted again...........................

    dont cheat on people

  32. just for the record he has asperbers

  33. Christopher decribed his behavior problems as if there was nothing wrong with them. Then he wondered why his parents got mad with him. But don't forget about his autism. He sees these things a little differently. By the way no name it's aspergers and it's a form of autism.

  34. he feels like his parents agruing all the time is his fault.. but really its not becuase he cant help the fact the he has autism

  35. Christopher describe the behavior problems and the effect they had on his parents, the effect of the dispassionate style is that his parents were confused and worried with the fact that their son is Autistic and the way he may act is some thing you cant change.

  36. I agree with Paula.. That because of these behavioral problems, Christopher's parents would get frustrated with him and yell at him. I believe that they yell at him more than they would yell at a normal child.

  37. I believe that Christopher is in some sense blaming himself. He thinks because he is autistic it is difficult to raise one who may be "different" and he thinks his parents are fighting because of him.

  38. Christophers behavior problems had an effect in the relationship his parents had. they had to deal with raising a child with autism. His problems would stress his parents out and that got them to argue constantly. they also had to deal with the fact that as much as they try they could never change christophers behavior or actions.

  39. Christopher states how he used to think that his mother and father might get divorced. That was because they had lots of arguments and sometimes they hated eachother. This was the outcome of all the stress it was caring for somebody(Christopher) with Behavioral Problems. I believe that Christopher's parents were a little hard on him because he still is autistic, and can't help himself sometimes. On the other hand, Christopher is extremely smart.

  40. Christopher was talking about his parent's realationship. And how they got into a lot of arguements and fought a lot. This caused stress and showed that he cared, though and had feelings. I think that this is because he is autistic and needs to be carefully watched and helped. I feel he could be a little needy because of his autism. Even though he is very smart.

  41. The "Behavioral Problems" of Christopher obviously had an effect on his parents relationship. Christopher even says that he thought that they were going to be divorced. He also mentions that they would yell at him and each other because of his behavior. In conclusion, Christopher's parents couldn't deal well with his autism and it effected their relationship with each other.

  42. Christophers behavioral problems definetly had an effect on his parents divorce. His issues were extremely far from a normal child of his age and his parents obviously could not handle raising a child with autism like Christopher together, wihtout getting frustrated with themselves. I understand that it may be very hard to be patient with someone like Christopher who takes everything so literal, but in order to keep their relationship going it was something that his parents were required to do but unfortunetly failed to do.

  43. Christopher's behavioral problems had a big impact on his parents marrigage. He sometimes thought that his parents would get a divorce because they just simply didn't know how to raise a child with autism. Christopher takes things very litterally and gets confused easily. His parents didn't know how to deal with that so they often got into arguments. They would yell at Christopher for the way he acted, when it really wasnt his fault, because he has a disability. He isn't meaning to act this way, it's just because something is wrong with him, he has autism. To sum it up, Christopher's parents didnt deal well with the fact that their son has autism,and they didn't know who to handle it. this definitley had a big effect of their marriage.

  44. Christopher doesn't see them as problems, I don't either from her perspective. I see them more as habits. But to his parents, yeah they're going to be a problem, and always get in the way because they have to be so precise with Christopher.

  45. Christopher behaves to these problems by acting as if they happen everyday, nothings new, its all happened before. Type of way.

  46. Christopher believes that his akward behavior is the cause for he splitting of his parents. He believes his parents are always fighitng because of him.

  47. Christopher believes that his behavioral problems led to his parents excessive argueing.It was probably just the emotional strain of having a child with autism and not knowing what to do that made them argue.

  48. Christopher had reguarly occuring behavioral problems. They were the reason his parents got seperated. His mother probably just couldn't take it. I imagine it being hard, having an autistic son, who would make scenes anywhere you go.

  49. Christopher talks about having autism and he says that because he had that his parents got a divorce but its not his fault that he had it. His parents got a divorce because his mom cheated on his dad not beacuse of him.

  50. Chris feels guilty about his parents getting a divorce because he feels like the fact of him having autism makes a stress on his parents since they have to watch over him more than you would a "regular" kid.

  51. Christopher feels that it is his fault for his parents divorce, but that is not the case. Him having autism is not why his parents got divorced, even if that is what he thinks, but the way he acts and his "Behavioral problems" are not the reason for his parents seperating, The reason was that his mother cheated on his father with a bad man, not that they were so mad at how their son acted that they had to seperate.

  52. He describes his behavioral problems in a dispassionate way because he doesnt think much of it. However he realized that it stressed his parents taking care of him. This resulted in many fights between his parents.

  53. He thinks its hit fault that his parents are diviorced. Just that he was born with autism and his parents were doing fine for a while. Its that his mom cheated on his father, and they diviorced.

  54. Jones samanthaaAaaaaaaaa(;November 30, 2009 at 10:58 AM

    His parents were alwAys fighting and he felt like they were fighting because of him.

  55. He thinks that it is his fault because since he has autism it causes some distress in the family but the real reason they divorced was because his mom cheated on him.

  56. Christopher feels that he made his parents always agure. And that it is his fault there not together

  57. Christopher doesnt think hiw emotional problems are really problems. He is very dull and blunt, so he often frusterates his parents.

  58. he is so calm and emotionally distached with everything he says and relates with, he never seems to be able to display anger or sadness

  59. When christopher talks about his parents and his behavior problems he says that they would always fight and be angry at each other but he understand why.
    He didn't understand that him being autistic was causing most of his parents problems.

  60. His parents were getting upset about his behavior problems and they used to fight over them before they were divorced. After there parents divorce, he thought that it was his falt when there weere several other problems other than christopher witch made them divoce, not Christopher.

  61. Because of Christophers behavior problems his parents used to fight a lot, but that was not the reason of there divorce so he shold not blame himself.

  62. Christopher doesn't know how to express emotion. He can show when he is upset about something. He doesn't know how to feel about his parents not getting along.

  63. Christopher has a hard time understanding other people's emotions, so when his parents are fighting they don't understand what he is feeling and he doesn't understand what they are feeling.

  64. Since Christopher is autistic he cant grasp what emotions are so it is hard for him to understand other peoples emotions. so he dosent understand that his parents are mad at each other

  65. Chis lists this out like its nothing. All of these behavioral problems have cause other problems in his life. For example causing marriage problems between his parents.

  66. In the story he shows his problems mostly as anger problem and space problems. One of these are when he hits the police officer.

  67. chris states all of his problems like its not anything wrong. Also he sees how he seems to fustrate his parents.

  68. When Christopher talks about how his behavioral problems tore his parents apart, he lists them like they had no meaning. It shows how far away he is mentally from other people that he can't feel any emotion, even when it has to deal with something as important as his family. He can't understand how his parents feel either.

  69. Christopher feels that he is the one making his parents angry at each other and him. Christophers parents were just frustrated because they are a little uncertain of how to raise a child with autism. Christopher talks about his problems and it tears his parents apart.

  70. Christopher talks about his behavioral problems like they're nothing, and those are the problems that tore his parents apart without him realizing that.

  71. Christopher expresses these behavioral problems without much emotion because he himself cannot really understand emotion and that is why he relates them dispassionatley. This gives the effect that for him, the fighting of his father and mother did not disturb him as much as it would to another person which is why it makes it difficult for the reader to understand.

  72. He was scared because he thought his parents would get a divorce, he thought all the problems they where having were his fault.

  73. The effect was his parents getting fed-up with his inhuman way of acting. His mother already lost her temper easily, and having a son who doesn't know how to act like she does did not help one bit.

  74. With Christopher having autism, it created much stress for his parents to deal with. His mother seemed to have already had an issue with her temper before him, and now with Christopher being autistic, it made her go crazy.

  75. Christopher blames himself for his parents divorce because of his bad behavior. He thought his parents used to fight because of him.

  76. Due to the fact that Christopher is autistic and his behavioral problem isn’t something you can punish him for. His mother having a low tolerance for his behavior didn't make the situation for them it made her want to punish him, and she felt that she couldn't handle him as a child. Eventually the situation led to a divorce between her and Christopher's father, because the use to fight so much over there trying to reason over how to handle Christopher's behavioral problems.

  77. Christopher had behavioral problems. His parents would get mad and yell at him or each other. Then Christoper would blame himself for when they were fighting. He thought they were fighting because o him only but they would fight for two reasons.

  78. Christopher feels it is his fault for his parents fighting so much because they found it hard to deal with the fact that thy had an austic child. His parents were always fighting and yelling at christopher or one another.

  79. i partly agree with rondo, because Christopher has autism, he cannot easily understand the affect of his condition on his parents. His parents yell at him quite often and they also yell at eachother. Christopher blames himself for this because he has autism but what he doesnt understand is that his parents have a lot of hidden problems that they just take out on him.

  80. Christopher cannot relate to passion because he dosent not fully comprehend it. The way in he describes passion effects his parents marriage inveitably leading to their speration and how it caused them to argue and quarrel. Furthermore it is not his fault because of his autism and he feels guilty for his parents fighting when they yell at him.

  81. he makes it seem really bad!! and in a sense he really doesn't understand. They yell at him and he retaleates in the wrong manner! he doesn't know how to control himself!!

  82. Christopher describes all the stress that his behavioral problems cause his parents, but he makes the whole situation sound unimportant. As if parents fighting about their child like this is normal.

  83. i think christopher just doesn't understand the fact that what he's explaining isn't normal. Perhaps it is because there is no way for him to relate to this. He doesn't understand it when his mom says things like "You are going to drive me in to an early grave." because there's no way for him to NOT take this literally.

  84. he was just annoying to his parents because he has issues. they simply don't know how to handle him. and he doesn't get that.

  85. he is acting as if it was normal. he dosent realize that there is anything strange about what is happening.

  86. They can't handle him and he doesn't realize he is annoying them, he is just doing what makes him comfortable. He simly just doesnt know.

  87. chris had bp and this led to his parents arguing with each other or with christopher which led to their divorce
