Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Garden

On pages 67-69, Christopher goes into the garden and contemplates the importance of description in the book he is writing. His teacher Siobhan told him "the idea of a book was to describe things using words so that people could read them and make a picture in their own head" (pg 67). What is the effect of reading Christopher's extended description, which begins, "I decided to do a description of the garden" and ends "Then I went inside and fed Toby"? How does this passage relate to a quote Christopher likes from The Hound of the Baskervilles: "The world is full of obvious things which nobody by chance ever observes" (pg73)?


  1. The Garden - I think that the passage relates to the quote from The Hound of the Baskervilles because Christoper notices things that many other people dont stop to even notice. He notices all the colors, the amounts of holes in the officers shoes, and other things in his surroundings that nobody else really ever notices.

  2. The effect of reading Christoper's extended descripiton is that he does notice some details more than others. He describes what certain things look like but not others, like the garden. The passage relates to the quote from The Hound of the Baskervilles in which he noticed things that others don't notice, like how many holes a shoe has. He may not know about emotions that much but he can tell you very detailed things that no one else would notice. That is practically what the quote says, that the world is made up of things that no one ever has the chance to take note of.

  3. This passage describes many small details, such as the shapes of the clouds and the fact that the air smelled like nothing. Most people might say that the sky was blue and that the grass was green, but never go much deeper than that. This relates to the quotation because those people who talk about the colors of the sky and grass can see the clouds and they breathe the air, making them obvious, but don't give enough notice to describe them in much detail.

  4. I think the quote from "The Hound of the Baskervilles", relates to the passage, because Christopher notices many details that most people wouldn't even stop to think about or recognize. For example, Christopher noticed the numerous hole in the officers shoes, and the distinct shape of the slow moving cloud that he saw while in the garden.

  5. I think the passage related to the quote Christopher likes from “The Hound of the Baskervilles,” because Christopher observes everything, and his description of the garden is very precise. He has to say everything in detail. The quote is not true in Christopher’s case, because he observes the obvious things. In the passage he wrote about the garden, Christopher had observed everything about the garden, and he wrote it all down, including the shapes, and heights of the clouds. The passage Christopher wrote goes against the quote, because Christopher made obvious observations, and wrote them in his description.

  6. the hound of the bakervilles shows how much christopher sees the small things and the details to the smallest amount.

  7. Christopher always tends to notice the smaller things, than people don't usually notice. I think he doesn't really understand the reason his teacher asked him to describe in the book, because he sees every detail himself.
    I deffinitley agree with Monika when she diferentiates the small details as the clouds and the air smelling of nothing, and the fact most people would just say that the sky is 'blue'.

  8. To this, I elaborate on the fact that sometimes menial things have a hidden and exquisite value that many times we overlook. The feeding of the rat for example, shows that intrest can lead to discovery of things we dont expect.

  9. Christopher is taking what his teacher and the quote mean literally, he is telling what he does in order and not skip some parts that dont need to be said as much as others.

  10. The passage relates to the quote because Christopher notices minute details that others often forget or over look. While some people would just describe a sky as blue with lots of different clouds of various colors and shapes and think this was very vivid, Christopher takes this one step farther by describing each level of the clouds in detail and even drawing a diagram. This is what differentiates him noticing details versus someone else's "details". Not only does he describe what he can see and hear he also describes his senses that aren't stimulated at all, by saying the air smelt of nothing, which shows an even deeper level of detail.

  11. I agree with Paula. He notices things that others don't, and can pick up the details really fast. He picks up things mentally, that somebody else would just ignore or miss.

  12. Christopher is a very detailed person. He notices everything that the majority or what you would call "normal" people wouldnt even care to look at. With him paying attention to every single detail he know alot more than other people about certain situations,

  13. Basically, Christopher can look deeper into everyday environments and give a thorough description about the "unseen." Which can be somewhat useful in society now because there is always going to be flaws in them.

  14. The effect of reading christophers extended description shows how much he thinks about simple thinks. He dosent just look at the obvious but at the small details. I think the passage relates to the quote because christopher notices extreme details that no one else would ever notice, like how many holes were in someones shoes. And in the quote it talks about how there are so many plain in sight things in the world just no one takes the time to notice them.

  15. I think it says that Christopher focuses on the little things, and he connects with Sherlock Holmes in this way, which is more than he can say about normal people, so this makes him feel better.

  16. Both do relate to each other because the quote describes how Christopher exactly is sometimes, like counting holes in shoes who no one else would or want to count. And even regular surroundings that is usually not noticed.

  17. After reading the extended description, it is clear that Christopher can notice tiny details, but not people and what is going on around him. in short, he pays attention to things that don't really matter to others and doesn't understand everything else. This relates to the quote because the quote speaks of everyone missing obvious, tiny details while they lay right in front of them but are never observed.

  18. Just look around you. Everything you see from the little paper clip to the walls around you to the hard drive humming in your computer took long hours of preparation, creation, and distribution. Anything at all can be amazing if you look at it and "describe" it. He doesn't seem to understand why you would describe something like a garden or the sky. People know what gardens and skies look like. But if he could just look a little deeper, into the way the flowers work and why the clouds are a color they are...

  19. the passage relates to christopher because he notices practically everything no one else notices .things that are very minor and have no importance what so ever.like how many lines wood floors have and counting the holes in someones shoes,etc

  20. The passage relates to Christopher because he notices everything that surrounds him in the garden that most people never actually see. The story even talked about how Christopher identified the shapes and even heights of the clouds. It showed that Christopher pays attention to the tiny details around him.

  21. Christopher remarks that he can remember things very easily. He remembers little things, like counting the holes on shoes. Things nobody else would really need to know. He got confused because Christopher knew that everyone knows what a garden looks like. Though he went into describing the garden, how the shapes of the clouds looked like, and how the air smelled.

  22. The effect of reading Christopher's extended description is that he is very alert. This means that he notices many of the tiny things happening in the garden. He went and fed Toby after the description, because he thinks that all creatures in the wild are starving and wants to make sure that Toby is OK. This relates to the quote of his favorite book, because the book is saying that "The world is full of obvious things which nobody by chance ever observes." This means that everything is obvious, but nobody today can stop and observe every little thing, like he noticed in the garden.

  23. Christopher is a very detailed person. He notices everything that the average person wouldnt. By him paying attention to every single detail he, knows alot more than a "normal" person would about certain things or situations. I think the passage related to the quote Christopher likes from “The Hound of the Baskervilles,” because Christopher observes everything, and the way he describes the garden is in very much detail. In the passage he wrote about the garden,Christopher had observed everything about the garden, and he wrote it all down, including the shapes, and heights of the clouds.

  24. "The world is full of obvious things which nobody by chance ever observes”. This quote Relates to the passage because instead of describing the garden, he was describing all the many things around the garden that people don’t normally pay attention to, such as the way the sky looked above the garden and the sounds that he heard around the garden.

  25. The quote relates to the passage because in all of the different passages, Christopher realizes certain little things that no one else notices. For example the amount of holes in the bottom of shoes. So basically Christopher is very observant and he notices things that an average person wouldnt.

  26. Chris can observe many things that people would not see at first, like when he figures out the book.

  27. It relates by the fact that when he describes the garden, he decribes the sky which he sees from the garden! The sky is very obvious but it is not the first thing people look at and most of the time the sky is totally ignored.
    So like the quote "The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes"
    In the world if you are outside and lots of times even inside if you are by a window it is possible to see the sky and the clouds. It is so obvious, but who really ever observes the sky?

  28. i agree and say the same things as samuel and david f. Chris observes many things we sometimes don't observe alott!

  29. The effect of reading Christopher's extended description tells me that he focuses more on the simpler things or little things but no one else notices them. Which relates to the quote,"The world is full of obvious things which nobody by chance ever observes”. Like the quote explains he described "the things which nobody by chance ever observes" instead of the garden. The garden was boring and not different but the sky had a pattern of clouds and looked like "someone might have painted them on a big roof" which is probably why he didn't described the garden.

  30. i havent gotten this far in the book but i am blogging mrs. jucker.

  31. I agree with David in the fact that Christopher notices a lot of the tiny details of things that people usually don't care about. For example, he notices how many holes are in people's shoes. He makes a lot of insignificant observations about certain things. :)

  32. the effect of reading the discription made by christopher in the reading is that he only notices certain things like the garden and ignores others. he doesnt relate to emotions very well but he is very detailed about some thingss which is how he relates to the The Hound of the Baskervilles.

  33. Because of his autism his brain works in a little bit of a different way so he notices stuff that normal people wouldn't. He picks up things very quickly and goes deeper into his statements.

  34. Overall, I strongly believe that Christopher notices small things, that an ordinary person would not notice. Christopher is very detailed, just like the book the Hound of the Baskervilles. He notices pecuilar things, that nobody else would even dream about noticing, like counting the number of holes in a person's shoes. Christopher understands many things, but not people as well as other's.

  35. The quote says "the world is full of obvious things which nobody by chance ever observes". This relates to Christopher and how he observes specific, obvious details in the most random things. Such as how many holes are in a shoe. Also, he doesn't just describe with a few adjectives here and there, he goes into such deep detail that the reader can easily picture what is going on in their head. For example, one time, when describing the clouds, he decided to sketch a picture of the sunset he was looking at. He spends so much time describing the small, little, un-important things in the world with such detail that other people tend to over look and ignore.

  36. The effect of this is that we get an even better description of how Christopher sees things. In the garden he spots the little things and tries to describe them and he also gives the different views of what aliens may be like. This passage relates to the quote in "The Hound of Baskervilles" because there really are so many things people don't realize in the world that are right in front of their faces and he is trying to get as much detail of the garden as possible.

  37. Christopher's description relates to the quote that he likes because he notices little things and details that most people dont pay attention to. He descirbes the most obvious things that are like right in front of you, but most people over look them. He descibes things as the way he sees, feels, hears and smells them. He makes comparisons like the fact that to him, the clouds look like alien space ships.

  38. To me, " The Hound of the Baskervilles," shows that Christopher can notice the little things or details all around him that most people walk by and might never notice. For example the number of holes on the bottom of shoes, even if it is insignifigant.

  39. This quote relates to Christopher because its explaining how nobody stops to look at the little thing, but with Christopher he looks at every small detail and remember everything, even if the detail has no significance towards anything.

  40. The effect of Christopher's description is that you get the very small details of the garden. For example, he describes a cloud that was closest to the garden and even draws a diagram of it. The quote also relates to him because Christopher notices very small details that most people wouldn't even look at. For example, he notices someones shoe holes on his shoe. It relates to him also because Christopher notices very small thing no one would notice.

  41. The quote relates to christopher's description of the garden because he pays attention to every detail,noting details that most people would pass right over.This relates to the quote because christopher observes the small but obvious things in the world, things that most people take for granted, or dont even pay attention to.

  42. I think the quote from "The Hound of the Baskervilles", relates to the passage, because Christopher notices many details that most people wouldn't even stop to think about or recognize. Like when Christopher noticed the numerous hole in the officers shoes, and the shape of the slow moving cloud that he saw while in the garden.

  43. Christpher notices small details that other peopole may not notice or they might just ignore them. Once Christpher notices these things he trys to describe them, he does not over look anything and even the smallest thing means something to him. This relates to the The Hound of Baskervilles" because there are so many details that go unnoticed.

  44. There's a difference from what the quote from The Hound of Baskervilles is saying and how Christopher takes it. Yes there needs to be detail, but a lot of detail needs feeling along with that. With Christopher it's close to impossible to have those emotions on a regular basis. Although he does have a good sense to know that describing things would make sense, he just can't make the connection that there's more behind the words.
    Also he's much more observant than others, but a lot of the time that doesn't help the case. Especially when he notices something but doesn't understand it, so he doesn't want to say anything about it.

  45. This relates to the quote because Christopher looks at the little things which others seem to overlook and not give the time of day to look at. For example Christopher sees how many holes were in the man's shoes and the shape of the cloud above the garden.

  46. I think the passage relates to the quote from The Hound of Baskerville because nobody ever notices the little details like Christopher does. He notice the clouds in the sky from the colors in the garden.

  47. He relates to the quote because Christopher does notice the little things that not many other people would. He likes to describe everything like holes in peoples shoes or what their mustache looks like for example.

  48. He relates it to the quote because he does realize every small thing that happens and whats going on. If he see's anything new then he will want to know all about it and he will see all the little things on a person.

  49. this quote relates because Christopher notices every little key detail about everything and sees some things that people dont. An example would be the holes in the mans shoes or what the shape of the clouds looked like

  50. I think this quote relates to Chritopher because Like Remi said he notices every detail that other people would never notice like in his food and the clouds etc.....

  51. Christopher studies and describes his surroundings in great detail, adding in stuff most people wouldnt care to notice.

  52. i was absent on the day this assignment was done ms jucker.

  53. This explains that Chris notices every little aspect of his surrounding, and he has autism. This is just one of the symptoms (which I learned) that many kids with autism have.

  54. When Christopher explains every little detail about the garden it shows that he realizes every little detail in life because of his autism. This is something all kids with autism can detect and is in there every day lifes.

  55. Christopher notices things that most people don't. He's very observant with colors, shapes, etc. Once he notices them he tries to describe them.

  56. It relates to the different abilities that he possesses. For example when he noticed the police officers shoes and counted all of the holes. things that we often miss, kids with autism can easily spot.

  57. Christopher can spot the things that we wouldnt pay attention to like the 60 holes in the shoes. Most kids with autism can spot that stuff. which makes them unique

  58. This is similar to Chris because he has a abitity to see every single detail. He notices things other people dont see and he remembers.

  59. In these places chris sees little details that the average oersin would not see.

  60. These details that Chris sees things differently and his mind doesn't work the way most of ours do. It relates to the quote because Christopher notices dozens of little details that we could never point out, like how many holes the shoe had.

  61. I think that it relates to the quote "The world is full of obvious things which nobody by chance ever observes" because Christopher observes everything. He notices the slightest details on everything.

  62. It relates to the quote because Christopher notices every single detail in something, no matter how little it is.

  63. The writing realates to the quote because of the truth which it expresses. It also realates to Christopher because he observes every single detail in everything that he sees.

  64. this has a major effect on the point of view part of the story because it is soo much different than someone looking at christopher and judging him by the outside. by christopher telling the book himself, the audience can learn a lesson and also to learn how austistic people think about life. the quote realates with his life because no matter how hard he tries, he cant change how he thinks. and that by noticing all the small details while other people notice only the major detalis

  65. It relates to the quote because Chris notices every single little detail, as insignificant as it can be.

  66. I believe it relates to The Hound of the Baskervilles only to Christopher, since he says he notices many small things that other people don't think about.

  67. The passage relates to The Hound of the Baskervilles because Christopher is a person that pays very, very close attention to the petty thinga that a normal person wouldn't pay attention to.

  68. Christopher does the paper in the garden because he notices things that most people don't. he notices the very little things that the average eye cannot see. he has a special tallent and is putting it into good use......

  69. Christopher see very little things that other people do not see.He sees very little details

  70. He relates to the quote because he notices very small detail that most people do not, such as holes in a shoe or how someones mustache looks.

  71. I agree with Monika. Many people would not go much beyond noticing colors or even shapes of certain objects. Christopher is very observant. This relates to the quote he likes because he notices things that people would never think of. Such as how many holes are in a shoe or that clouds look like fish scales or sand dunes. Then he relates his observations to movies or books because he has such a good memory.

  72. I believe that the passage in which Christopher describes "The Garden" and ends it when he went inside to feed Toby, made it seem abrupt and the quote from "The Hound of the Baskervilles" show that he did not truly describes his garden and how he may have just overlooked and not have fully observed.

  73. Christopher describes The Garden to show that he is supose to describe everything very detailed so that the reader can get a picture of what is actually going on in their head, but he overlooks the word describe. He is too detailed and too observing.

  74. Well, it shows the relationship and connection between christopher and sherlock holmes. Simply put, it seems that christopher actually has the odd talent of detaching his mind from a subject, and visualize the subject on a much higher degree of description. He can describe things beyond what any "normal" person(using the term lightly that is) might ever even possibly dream of. Though he cannot help it, he basically is a walking camera. This is not, by any means, a bad thing of course.

  75. the effect of the description was he didn't touch the subject of the garden at all and talked about clouds and aliens and dust and leaves. which honestly just made me bored. however it relates quite well to the quote because he's just noticing the obvious which no one seems to care about.

  76. he wrote things that were very percise and obvious. he tried to get every little detail in it so the reader of his book would see it the same way he did. it relates to the quote since he wrote down obviouse things.

  77. The quote relates to the description because Charlie notices lots of things that a lot of other people never take into account such as attention to detail.

  78. i think they relate because they show a unique quality that chris has his keen eye for details
